The West in the World, 4th Edition (Sherman)

Chapter 24: Into the Fire Again: World War II, 1939-1945

Essay Quiz

How and why do you think the Allies were able to turn the tide and achieve victory against the Axis powers in World War II?
Compare the role of civilians in warfare and their sufferings in the first and second world wars.
How did events such as the Japanese invasion of Manchuria and the Spanish Civil War contribute to the tenuous state of international affairs prior to the outbreak of WWII?
Why did the attempted appeasement of Hitler by other European powers at Munich fail?
How did the German tactic of blitzkrieg translate into military success early in the war?
How did the German invasion of the Soviet Union and the Battle of Stalingrad mark a turning point in the war?
Describe the Nazis' "final solution." Whom did it target? Why? What were the ramifications of the Holocaust?
How did resistance efforts in areas occupied by the Germans frustrate the Nazi war effort and contribute to the Allied victory?
Discuss the United States' decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. What were the immediate and long-term impacts?
Sherman: The West in the World, Fourth Edition
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