The West in the World, 4th Edition (Sherman)

Chapter 22: Descending into the Twentieth Century

Essay Quiz

How might it be argued that several nations should bear responsibility for plunging the West into World War I? Which countries, if any, do you think were most responsible?
How and why had warfare changed? How did these changes shape the course of the war?
How important was the second industrial revolution for determining the nature of WWI? Consider both technology and a country's level of industrialization.
How did Russian military losses in the war affect its domestic situation?
Why was World War I considered to be a total war?
How did governments attempt to mobilize their domestic populations during the war?
How important was the entrance of the United States into the war for the defeat of Germany?
What accounted for the differing ideas on what type of peace ("hard" versus "just") should be settled upon at the Paris Peace Conference? What factors fomented the demands that smaller countries made at the conference?
Which countries were left dissatisfied by the Treaty of Versailles, and why?
It is perhaps easier to understand why there was a revolution in Russia that toppled the tsar than why the Bolsheviks came to power several months later in a second revolution. How do you explain this?
Sherman: The West in the World, Fourth Edition
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