The West in the World, 4th Edition (Sherman)

Chapter 12: Faith, Fortune, and Fame

Learning Objectives

When you have finished studying this chapter, you should be able to do the following:
  • Describe how westerners imagined the people and places of the rest of the world up to around the fifteenth century.
  • Summarize key motivations for European exploration of the rest of the world and the technologies that made exploration possible.
  • Outline the explorations made by the Portuguese, Spanish, and northern Europeans.
  • Describe the life of the indigenous peoples of Central and South America.
  • Describe the life of the original northern Americans.
  • Analyze the European subjugation of the native populations of North, Central, and South Americans.
  • Summarize the key economic, social, and cultural developments involving the African slave trade.
  • Analyze the development of world-wide commercial capitalism and its impact on Western civilization.
  • Analyze the transformation of Western and non-Western civilizations with the growth of Western market capitalism.
Sherman: The West in the World, Fourth Edition
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