The West in the World, 4th Edition (Sherman)

Chapter 12: Faith, Fortune, and Fame

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. The World Imagined

  1. Why did Europeans covet the products of the east? Which ones did they seek and why?

  2. How did Europeans imagine the peoples who lived outside of the Mediterranean?

  3. What was the significance of Ptolemy's map? What were its shortcomings?

  1. The World Discovered

  1. What drove Europeans to explore the world?

  2. What innovations in navigation aided the explorations of the Europeans? What improvements were made in ship-building?

  3. What gains in exploration were made by the Portuguese?

  4. What did Columbus discover on his voyages? What were his misconceptions about what he had found?

  5. What conflict did the Treaty of Tordesillas resolve? What were the conditions agreed to by Spain and Portugal?

  6. How did England, France, and the Netherlands join in the race to explore the world?

  1. Confrontation of Cultures

  1. How and when did people first arrive in the Americas?

  2. How did agriculture lead to the development of agricultural societies with highly concentrated populations? What were the key crops and where were these societies located?

  3. What happened during the course of the earliest encounters between Europeans and Americans?

  4. What were European impressions of Amerindian culture and customs?

  5. Why was Malinche important for Cortés?

  6. How did Europeans conquer the Aztec and the Inca empires? What advantages did the Europeans possess?

  7. How did Europeans meet their goals of enriching their home countries?

  8. What criticism did Las Casas make of the colonial enterprise? What solutions did he propose?

  9. Why was slavery introduced to the New World?

  10. How did the slave trade affect the New World? How did it affect Africa?

  11. How did missionaries approach the challenge of converting peoples across the world?

  12. How and why was Christianity transformed in the New World?

  1. The World Market and Commercial Revolution

  1. How and why did a world market emerge?

  2. How did inflation cause stagnation and yet stimulate economic activity?

  3. What were the strategies and innovations of early capitalists?

  4. How did mercantilist governments approach the problem of governing the colonies? What were their policies?

  5. Why was banking important to early commercial capitalism? What were the responsibilities of bankers?

  6. What were Spain's financial and political mistakes during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries?

  7. How did work change in this period? How were women's lives transformed?

  8. How did piracy evolve as trade quickened?

  1. The World Transformed

  1. How did European culture transform other peoples' lives and cultures? How did the New World transform Europe and Europeans?

  2. What products were especially important in the exchange between Europeans and others?

  3. How did Europeans correct their highly imaginative and inaccurate views of the world as they gained more familiarity with other environments and cultures?

Sherman: The West in the World, Fourth Edition
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