Biology, Eighth Edition (Raven)Chapter 8:
PhotosynthesisLearning OutcomesChapter 8
- State the overall equation for photosynthesis and explain why water is included on both sides.
- Identify the locations for the light reactions and the Calvin cycle within a plant chloroplast.
- Understand the discovery of the photosynthetic processes from an historical perspective.
- Understand how light energy is packaged and how its absorption is related to wavelength.
- Explain how electrons are captured by and transferred through the various molecules of a plant’s photocenter.
- Describe cyclic photosynthesis in terms of the organisms in which it occurs, its energy capture molecules, and its energy yield in ATPs.
- Understand how photosystem I and photosystem II in plants produce ATP and NADH.
- Describe the Calvin cycle in plants. Include the significance of ATP and NADH and the ultimate product(s) of the reaction.
- Understand how photorespiration affects C3 photosynthesis.
- Compare C4 and CAM photosynthesis and how they combat photorespiration.
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