American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition (Harrison)

Chapter 6: Political Socialization and Public Opinion

Chapter Outline

  1. Political Socialization and Civic Participation
    1. The Process of Political Socialization
    2. Participating in Civic Life
  2. Agents of Socialization
    1. Family Influences on Activism and Attitudes
    2. The Media's Ever-Increasing Role in Socialization
    3. Schools, Patriotism, and Civic Participation
    4. Churches: The Role of Religion
    5. Peers and Group Norms
    6. Political and Community Leaders: Opinion Shapers
    7. Demographic Characteristics: Our Politics Are a Reflection of Ourselves
      1. Race and Ethnicity
      2. Gender
      3. Age and Events
      4. Geographic Region
  3. Measuring Public Opinion
    1. The Origins of Public Opinion Polls
    2. How Public Opinion Polls Are Conducted
      1. Sampling
      2. Sampling Error
    3. Types of Political Polls
  4. What Americans Think About Politics
    1. The Most Important Problem
    2. Public Opinion About Government
Harrison:  American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition
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