American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition (Harrison)

Chapter 4: Civil Liberties

Chapter Outline

  1. Civil Liberties in the American Legal System
    1. The Freedoms Protected in the American System
    2. The Historical Basis for American Civil Liberties: The Bill of Rights
    3. Incorporation of the Bill of Rights to Apply to the States
  2. Freedoms of Speech, Assembly, and the Press: First Amendment Freedoms Supporting Civic Discourse
    1. The First Amendment and Political Instability
      1. The Tension Between Freedom and Order
      2. The Historical Context for Free Speech Laws
      3. The Standard Today: The Imminent Lawless Action Test
    2. Freedom of Speech
      1. Pure Speech versus Symbolic Speech
      2. Not All Speech is Created Equal: Unprotected Speech
    3. Freedom of Assembly and Redress of Grievances
    4. Freedom of the Press
  3. Freedoms of Religion, Privacy, and Criminal Due Process: Encouraging Community and Civic Engagement
    1. The First Amendment and the Freedom of Religion
      1. The Establishment Clause
      2. The Free Exercise Clause
    2. The Right to Privacy
      1. The Emergent Right to Privacy
      2. The Right to Privacy Applied to Other Activities
    3. The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments: Ensuring Criminal Due Process
      1. The Fourth Amendment and the Protection Against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures
      2. The Fifth and Sixth Amendments: The Right to a Fair Trial and the Right to Counsel
      3. The Eighth Amendment: Protection Against Cruel and Unusual Punishment
  4. Freedoms in Practice: Controversy Over the Second Amendment and the Right to Bear Arms
    1. Competing Interpretations of the Second Amendment
    2. Citizens Engaged: Fighting for a Safer Nation
    3. Civil Liberties in Post-9/11 America
    4. Perceived Intrusions on Free Speech and Assembly
    5. Perceived Intrusions on Criminal Due Process
    6. Discrimination Against Muslim Americans
Harrison:  American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition
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