American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition (Harrison)

Chapter 17: Foreign Policy and National Security

Chapter Outline

  1. The Tools of U.S. Foreign Policy
    1. Diplomacy
    2. Trade and Economic Policies
    3. The Military Option
  2. Who Decides? The Creators and Shapers of Foreign Policy
    1. The President and the Executive Branch
      1. The Departments of State and Defense
      2. The National Security Council and the Intelligence Community
    2. Congress
    3. The Military-Industrial Complex
    4. The Media
    5. Public Opinion
    6. Private Citizens
  3. U.S. Foreign Policy in Historical Context: Isolationism and Intervention
    1. The Constitutional Framework and Early Foreign Policy Making
      1. The Constitution and Foreign Policy Powers
      2. Early Isolationism
      3. Foreign Trade and the Erosion of U.S. Isolationism
    2. Hegemony and National Expansion: From the Monroe Doctrine to the Roosevelt Corollary
    3. World War I and the End of U.S. Isolationism
    4. Internationalism and the League of Nations
    5. World War II: U.S. Foreign Policy at a Crossroads
  4. The Postwar Era: The United States as Superpower
    1. International Agreements and Organizations
      1. The United Nations
      2. NATO
      3. International Financial Organizations
    2. The Cold War: Superpowers in Collision
    3. U.S. Efforts to Contain Communism: Korea, Cuba, and Vietnam
      1. The Korean War, 1950-1953
      2. The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962
      3. The Vietnam Conflict, 1965-1975
    4. Détente: A Thaw in the Cold War Chill
      1. SALT I and SALT II
    5. The Reagan Years and Soviet Collapse
    6. Post-Soviet Times: The United States as Solo Superpower in an Era of Wars
  5. U.S. Foreign Policy After 9/11
    1. The Bush Doctrine: A Clash of Civilizations
      1. War in Afghanistan
      2. War in Iraq
    2. The Obama Doctrine: A New Tone in U.S. Foreign Policy
  6. Future Challenges in American Foreign Policy
    1. The Ongoing Threat of Terrorism
    2. Environmental Issues
    3. Technology's Potential in Foreign Affairs
Harrison:  American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition
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