American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition (Harrison)

Chapter 12: The Presidency

Multiple Choice Quiz

Supporters of eliminating the Electoral College argue which of the following?
A)It gives too much power to the highly populated states.
B)It allows victory for a candidate that the majority of Americans did not support.
C)It makes special interests too influential.
D)All these answers are correct.
Opponents of eliminating the Electoral College argue which of the following?
A)It is constitutionally mandated.
B)It serves as a crucial check upon the will of the people.
C)It represents the states and the will of the people as intended.
D)All these answers are correct.
Which of the following is NOT a way the president can legislate?
A)by creating laws
B)by submitting the federal budget
C)by vetoing congressionally-approved laws
D)by making the State of the Union address
Which president's use of the veto went against historical trends?
A)Theodore Roosevelt
B)Franklin D. Roosevelt
C)Richard Nixon
D)George W. Bush
Which of the following is NOT true about the signing statement?
A)Some critics argue that it is an unconstitutional assertion of executive privilege.
B)It became controversial because it seemed to modify the intent of Congress in passing laws.
C)President George W. Bush refused to use the signing statement because of concerns about its unconstitutionality.
D)It directs executive departments regarding how they should implement a law.
What influence does the president have over the economy?
A)The president submits a budget that determines where the nation's tax dollars will be spent.
B)The president appoints the Federal Reserve Board and its chair.
C)The president can submit legislation designed to stimulate the economy.
D)All these answers are correct.
Which of the following is true about the chair of the Federal Reserve Board?
A)The position is generally less partisan than most other positions in the executive branch.
B)The position is appointed by a joint committee of both houses of Congress.
C)The chair serves as the president's fiscal policy adviser.
D)The chair has little influence over the nation's consumer confidence.
Which of the following statements about the president's role as party leader is NOT true?
A)The president provides leadership positions for many members of his/her party.
B)If the president is popular, he or she dictates who his successor will be.
C)The president campaigns for members of his/her party.
D)This role has become more important in recent decades.
Which of the following is true about the president's role in setting foreign policy?
A)The president can act more unilaterally.
B)The president is very dependent on the Congress.
C)The president must act bilaterally with Congress.
D)The president has nearly unlimited powers.
Which of the following is true about executive agreements that the president enters into with other nations?
A)They need to be ratified by Congress.
B)They are valid until repealed by Congress.
C)They have been deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
D)None of these answers is correct.
Which of the following is true about President Obama's decisions as commander in chief?
A)They are diametrically opposed to those of President George W. Bush.
B)They include a call to repeal the "don't ask, don't tell" policy regarding gays in the military.
C)They have included the customary decision to hire an academic as national security adviser.
D)All these answers are correct.
Which of the following is true about the president's role as chief executive?
A)It is almost entirely dependent on his/her party's strength in Congress.
B)It determines how much of the government bureaucracy will implement the laws Congress has passed.
C)It is primarily limited to appointing staff for the executive branch.
D)It is largely independent of congressional initiatives in domestic policy issues.
Which of the following is true about the vice president's role?
A)His/her responsibilities are constitutionally mandated.
B)It is perceived as largely irrelevant as long as the president remains alive.
C)It includes formal responsibilities as a national security adviser.
D)It includes formal responsibilities as a legislative advisor.
Which of the following vice presidents won the presidency in their own right?
A)Al Gore and Richard Nixon
B)Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson
C)Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon
D)None of these answers is correct.
The organization that helps the president administer the day-to-day responsibilities of the office is known as
A)the cabinet.
B)the Office of Budget and Management.
C)the Executive Office of the President.
D)the White House Office.
The president's chief of staff is a member of which organization?
A)the White House Office
B)the National Security Council
C)the Office of Management and Budget
D)the Executive Office of the President
In what case does the Twenty-Fifth Amendment dictate the procedure for presidential succession?
A)in the case of the president's death
B)in the case that the president is incapacitated
C)in the case of the death of both the president and the vice president
D)in the case the president, the vice president, and a number of other top leaders are killed or incapacitated
Which of the following is a source of presidential powers?
A)expressed powers in the Constitution
B)inherent powers in the Constitution
C)statutory powers
D)All these answers are correct.
Which of the following is NOT an example of a president's use of inherent powers?
A)President Jefferson's purchase of Louisiana
B)President Franklin D. Roosevelt's expansion of the government during the New Deal
C)President George W. Bush's suspension of civil liberties for foreign nationals held at Guantanamo Bay
D)President Obama's advocacy for a national system of health care
Which of the following is true about executive orders?
A)They can be used to create taxes and appropriate funds.
B)They are binding only through the administration of the president who issues them.
C)They are not always sufficient to ensure that the president's will is followed.
D)They are limited by a number of constitutional and statutory stipulations.
Which of the following is true about executive privilege?
A)Courts have generally allowed for the use of it when a clear issue of separation of powers exists.
B)Courts have generally allowed for the use of it when it is used to prevent revelations about misdeeds by members of the executive branch.
C)It gives presidents and their advisors immunity for actions taken in the implementation of their duties.
D)It is an executive power that first emerged during the early twentieth century.
Expansion of presidential power
A)has been fairly steady since the country's founding.
B)declined under the presidencies of Jefferson and Jackson.
C)grew enormously during the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
D)has not been significant; the presidency operates today much as the founding fathers intended.
Which president was the first to be convicted on articles of impeachment?
A)Answer Johnson
B)Richard Nixon
C)Bill Clinton
D)There has never been a president convicted on articles of impeachment.
Which of these phrases comes closest to the truth as discussed in the textbook?
A)In general the average American's criteria for presidential greatness differ substantially from the assessment of scholars.
B)Scholars and the average American substantially agree on the criteria for presidential greatness.
C)The American public does not judge presidents on specific criteria.
D)Presidential greatness has not been studied within the context of any particular criteria.
Who was the first First Lady to serve in an appointed position in her husband's administration?
A)Edith Wilson
B)Eleanor Roosevelt
C)Hillary Clinton
D)Laura Bush
Harrison:  American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition
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