American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition (Harrison)

Chapter 10: The Media


media  tools used to store and deliver information or data
infotainment  news shows that combine entertainment and news, a hybrid of the words information and entertainment
framing  the process by which the media set a context that helps people understand important events and matters of shared interest
public agenda  the public issues that most demand the attention of government officials
priming  bringing certain policies on issues to the public agenda through media coverage
letter to the editor  a letter in which a reader responds to a story in a newspaper, knowing that the letter might be published in that paper
penny press  newspapers that sold for a penny in the 1830s
journalism  the practice of gathering and ­reporting events
yellow journalism  irresponsible, sensationalist approach to news reporting, so named after the yellow ink used in the "Yellow Kid" cartoons in the New York World
muckraking  criticism and exposés of corruption in government and industry by journalists at the turn of the twentieth century
new media  cable television, the Internet, blogs, and satellite technology
fireside chats  President Franklin Roosevelt's radio addresses to the country
talk radio  a format featuring conversations and interviews about topics of interest, along with call-ins from listeners
fairness doctrine  requirement that stations provide equal time to all parties regarding important public issues and equal access to airtime to all candidates for public office
narrowcasting  the practice of aiming media content at specific segments of the public
media segmentation  the breaking down of the media ­according to the specific audiences they target
telegenic  the quality of looking good on TV
digital divide  the inequality of access to computers and Internet connections
bandwidth  the amount of data that can travel through a network in a given time period
vblog  a video Weblog
prosumers  individuals who simultaneously consume information and news and produce information in the form of videos, blogs, and Web sites
e-campaigning  the practice of mobilizing voters using the Internet
blogosphere  a community, or social network, of bloggers
netroots  the Internet-centered political efforts on behalf of candidates and causes
convergence  the merging of various forms of media, including newspapers, television stations, radio networks, and blogs, under one corporate roof and one set of business and editorial leaders
Net neutrality  the idea that Internet traffic—e-mail, Web site content, videos, and phone calls—should flow without interference or discrimination by those who own or run the Internet pipeline
Harrison:  American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition
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