Technology: Engineering & Design

Chapter 15: High-Performance Manufacturing

Self-Check Quizzes

To discover how a component might react to an environmental factor such as vibrations, engineers use a computer simulation system called
A)computer numerical control (CNC).
B)finite element analysis (FEA).
C)automatic guided vehicle systems (AGVS).
D)design for x (DFx).
Just-in-time manufacturing procedures eliminate some of the costs associated with
A)warehousing materials.
B)paying workers overtime.
C)shipping of materials.
D)paying top-heavy management salaries.
To see how components or subassemblies should work in an assembled product, engineers can view a simulation in
A)CAD software.
B)enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.
C)CAM software.
D)digital prototyping software.
Workers in a manufacturing cell are trained to
A)obey orders.
B)repeat the same actions endlessly.
C)be flexible and do more than one job.
D)supervise but not to do hands-on work.
Incorporating ease of manufacturability into a product saves time and money during production. To do this, engineers use a system called
A)design for assembly.
B)manufacturing substrate.
C)factory protocol.
D)design for manufacturability.
Which scenario best describes an automatic factory?
A)Lots of people are in position on the production floor.
B)No people are in the production area, but a human manager is in the control room.
C)The only people in the production area are grouped in work cells.
D)People are using computers at many stages of the manufacturing process.
The terms smart manufacturing and computer-integrated manufacturing are approximate synonyms for
A)high-performance manufacturing.
B)lean manufacturing.
C)just-in-time manufacturing.
D)robotic manufacturing.
A manufacturing system that allows for incorporation of customer preferences into production is called
A)product delineation.
B)quick manufacturing.
C)dimensional variation analysis.
D)product configuration.
A manufacturing technique that uses highly pressurized liquid to force material into a mold is
B)six sigma.
C)laser embedding.
Each industrial robot on an assembly line has a defined area of operation called the
B)line span.
C)work envelope.
D)circumference range.
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