Journey Across Time National Edition

Chapter 3: The Ancient Israelites

Student Web Activity

"The Ten Lost Tribes"

In this chapter you learned about the history of the ancient Israelites and the birth of Jewish religion. After the death of Solomon, fights broke out and ten of the twelve tribes set up their own nation in the north. They called their new nation the kingdom of Israel. In the south, the other two tribes founded the smaller kingdom of Judah. After the Assyrians conquered Israel in 722 B.C., the ten tribes were scattered across their empire. Over time, the Israelites who were forced to move lost their religion and way of life. They are often called the "lost tribes of Israel". Read through the Web site below to learn more about these lost tribes and their supposed journeys.

Destination Title:The Ten Lost Tribes

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Start at this PBS Web site to learn more about the ten lost tribes of Israel.

  • Start at "Where are the Ten Lost Tribes" link, taking notes as you go.
  • Read Tudor Parfitt's Remarkable Journey

After you have read these pages, answer the following questions.

How did the twelve tribes form?
Why did the tribes divide into ten and two?
Who first thought they had encountered the ten "lost tribes"?
Who are the Lemba?
On a piece of paper, draw a line down the center. Compare and contrast the characteristics of the Lemba tribe with those of the Jewish tradition today (found in your textbook). How much confidence do you have in the Lemba tribe's claim?
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