Teen Health Course 2

Chapter 12: Growing and Changing

Student Web Activities Lesson 6: Across the Ages

Old and young alike have things they can learn from one another. On the Web site below, you will see how one state has been encouraging the generations to mix through a variety of programs.

Link to explore: Intergenerational Initiative: http://www.siu.edu/offices/iii/


  • Start at the Intergenerational Initiative Web site
  • Click on the "Aging is an Asset," "Saving Our Stories & Oral History" and "Intergenerational and P-16+ Service Learning" links. Try to get an idea of what each program does. Take notes as you go.
  • When you are done, answer the questions below.
  • Finally, using the information from the link, create a flyer that encourages teens to get to know older adults. Include examples of how they could do this.

What are the four directions of the “Aging is an Asset” program?
What is service learning?
What does the plus sign (+) in the program’s title (P-16+ Service Learning) mean?
What is the goal of members of Saving Our Stories?
Can you name four ways to get started saving family stories?
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