Glencoe Biology

Section 2: The Skeletal System

Self-Check Quizzes

The ____ includes bones of the shoulders, arms, hands, hips, legs, and feet.
A)integumentary skeleton
B)axial skeleton
C)appendicular skeleton
D)metatarsal skeleton
Which type of bone contains cavities and bone marrow?
A)spongy bone
B)compact bone
C)marrow bone
D)yellow bone
What type of cell is working during this phase of bone repair?
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A)cardiac cells
C)marrow cells
D)compact cells
Which of these are not important functions of the skeletal system
A)stores minerals; provides support
B)helps maintain homeostasis; stores minerals
C)forms platelets; stores minerals
D)transmits nerve signals; produces actin
Why are ligaments important?
A)They hold bones together.
B)They connect muscles to bones.
C)They produce stronger bone cells.
D)They form bone marrow.
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