Glencoe Biology

Section 2: Ecological Behaviors

Self-Check Quizzes

Combative interaction between two animals of the same species is called ____.
A)territorial behavior
C)agonistic behavior
D)classical conditioning
A ___ is a cycle, such as sleeping or waking, that occurs every day.
A)migratory behavior
B)circadian rhythm
C)dominance hierarchy
D)fixed action pattern
What is the purpose of this behavior?
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A)increases survival of offspring
B)trains offspring for hunting
C)it is a type of communication
D)provides exercise for mother bird
What kind of behavior is being displayed when wolves howl?
A)agonistic behavior
B)pheromone communication
C)kin selection
D)auditory communication
What theory may explain some kinds of altruistic behaviors?
A)biological rhythms
B)kin selection
C)dominance hierarchy
D)operant conditioning
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