Florida Science Grade 6

Chapter 4: Support, Movement, and Responses

Volume of Bones

Estimate the volume of a bone that has a height of 10 cm, and a diameter of 1.8 cm.
A)22 cm3
B)25.4 cm3
C)45.2 cm3
D)28.1 cm3
If a bone has a volume of 141.2 cm3 and a diameter of 4.2 cm, what is its height?
A)10.2 cm
B)9 cm
C)11.5 cm
D)12.2 cm
Estimate the volume of a bone that has a height of 11 cm, and a diameter of 2.1 cm.
A)42.2 cm3
B)35 cm3
C)38.1 cm3
D)45 cm3
If a bone has a volume of 141.2 cm3 and a diameter of 6.2 cm, what is its height?
A)6.2 cm
B)8.5 cm
C)9.0 cm
D)11.3 cm
Estimate the volume of a bone that has a height of 12 cm, and a diameter of 2.3 cm.
A)47 cm3
B)40 cm3
C)45.5 cm3
D)43.3 cm3
If a bone has a volume of 88.6 cm3 and a diameter of 6.2 cm, what is its height?
A)2.9 cm
B)2.2 cm
C)3.8 cm
D)10.0 cm
Estimate the volume of a bone that has a height of 11.8 cm, and a diameter of 4.1 cm.
A)140.2 cm3
B)155.7 cm3
C)160 cm3
D)162.2 cm3
If the volume of a bone is 129.4 cm3 and its radius is 4.1 cm, what is it's height?
A)2.9 cm
B)2.0 cm
C)2.5 cm
D)3.2 cm
Estimate the volume of a bone that has a height of 12.2 cm, and a diameter of 3.8 cm.
A)150 cm3
B)122.2 cm3
C)145.8 cm3
D)138.3 cm3
If the volume of a bone is 200.4 cm3 and its radius is 3.4 cm, what is it's height?
A)5.85 cm
B)5.0 cm
C)5.5 cm
D)6.4 cm
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