Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Chapter 31: Reptiles and Birds

Web Links

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This page is part of the Reptiles Magazine online. Select one of the reptiles from the list and use the information that you find to construct a brochure about the reptile. Be sure to include its food and habitat requirements and picture or drawing of the reptile. Share your brochure with your class.
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The Deadliest Snakes in the World
The Reptile Gardens in Rapid City, South Dakota has information at this site about dangerous and deadly snakes. What is the difference between a "dangerous" snake and a "deadly" snake? How many people a year are bitten by snakes? Which country has the most fatalities due to snakebites? Which country has the most snakes listed on the "Top Ten list?
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Select one of the articles in the "Birds in the News" section and write a summary of the article in your science journal.
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2002 Audubon Watch List
Visit this site maintained by the Audubon Society and select one of the bird species on the list. Prepare a short presentation about your selected species and share it with your class.
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Those Diverse Diapsids
This Web page gives an overview of most of the reptiles and birds. What is a tetrapod? What is a diapsid? What does the word reptile really mean? Visit this site to learn the answers to these questions, and to find out more about these creatures.
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US Department of Labor
Find out what it takes to be an artist. This site describes the nature of the job and the many possibilities for artists including medical and scientific illustrators.
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Photography @
On the National Geographic Web site, you'll find information about the photography used in the magazine. Write a job description for a National Geographic photographer in your science journal.
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Basic Egg Facts
Everything you wanted to know about eggs and more!
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Eggs - A Virtual Exhibition
The Provincial Museum of Alberta maintains this comprehensive site about birds. In the "Eggs Exhibit", learn about many characteristics about eggs, their study and trivia about eggs. Click on the "egg diversity" link to learn why eggs are the shape, color, and texture they are. With a partner, develop a chart that compares the different characteristics of eggs.
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Wildlife Trade
The World Wildlife Fund is an international non-profit organization that is dedicated to protecting wildlife and wild lands. Visit this site to find out how some souvenirs may be connected to the illegal wildlife trade.
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TRAFFIC is an organization that was formed in the 1970's to assist with the CITES Treaty. TRAFFIC's mission is to make sure that trade in wild animals and wild plants doesn't become a threat to nature conservation. Follow the link to "Priority Species" to view a list of traded species. Select one of the species and follow the links to learn more about it.
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CITES Home Page
Visit the home page for CITES. Click on the "Press Releases" link and read about recent news pertaining to CITES. Make your own newsletter on information to stop illegal wildlife trade.
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Turtle Trax
This site is devoted to marine turtles; their biology and conservation, and includes links to other important turtle sites. What are some ways that you can help sea turtles?
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Turtle Threats
Visit this site maintained by the Turtle Ambassadors to find out why turtle population are declining.
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