Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Chapter 26: Sponges, Cnidarians, Flatworms, and Roundworms

Web Links

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UC Berkeley - Systematics of the Metazoa
Visit this site and learn about sponges (porifera), jelly fish and other cnidarians, and many other groups of animals. Follow the porifera link to find out how many species of sponges there are. Click on "Life History and Ecology" for more details about sponges. Follow the cnidaria link to find out what the four groups of cnidarians are. What animals, besides jellyfish, can you find information about here?
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The Animal Diversity Web
Do a “quick search” for roundworms at this site and then click on “Phylum Nematoda”. What type of symmetry do roundworms have? Name one type of roundworm that is parasitic to humans.
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Start at this site for a general description of flatworm characteristics. Which three groups are parasitic? Follow the link for "Digenea" and then select " Schistosoma mansoni". What are some diseases caused by this flatworm? What is "swimmer's itch?
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Laboratory of Genes for Regeneration
Visit this site of the Russian Academy of Science to get a molecular look at planarian regeneration. How does the body plan formation of planarians differ from other invertebrates?
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Marine Flatworms of the World - Regeneration
This site has an excellent description of regeneration and good diagrams that go with the text. How long does it take a planarian to regenerate the lost body part if the conditions are just right?
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NOAA's Coral Reef
NOAA maintains this site which contains links about reefs, reef management, reef protection, and reef resources.

Coral Reefs
Find out some general information about zebrafish by visiting this site. Where did zebrafish originate? How does research of zebrafish benefit humans?

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Reef Relief

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Coral Reef Alliance

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Introduction to Coral Reefs
Visit this site for general information about reefs and Caribbean reefs specifically.
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The Nature Conservancy
Take a look at where the coral bleaching “hotspots” are around the world. What are some everyday ways to help coral reefs?
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