Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Section 3: The Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant

The Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant

Which method of seed dispersal is often associated with squirrels?
A)dispersal of seeds after passing through the digestive system
B)wind dispersal of seeds
C)spitting out seeds
D)burying seeds
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This picture shows part of the germination process for a bean seed. Which part of the stem is nearest to the seed?
A)the ovary
B)the epicotyl
C)the radicle
D)the hypocotyl
Which tissue in an anthophyte seed is responsible for food storage?
A)the micropyle
B)the endosperm
C)the stigma
D)the stamen
Which process transfers pollen grains from the anther to the stigma?
Which of these statements is NOT true?
A)When a seed passes through an animal's digestive system, it may germinate more quickly.
B)The period of activity in a mature plant seed is called dormancy.
C)The process of germination is the beginning of development of the embryo into a new plant.
D)Some species of conifers need to have their seeds exposed to fire in order to germinate.
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