Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Chapter 18: Viruses and Bacteria

Web Links

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This site has good basic information about microbes that thrive in extreme environments. Visit this page to find out the differences between a psychrophile and a thermophile. What are some uses for halophiles?
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Life Without Light: Discoveries from the Abyss
Visit this site to learn about the discovery of animal life around hydrothermal vents in the ocean. How do giant tubeworms obtain nourishment? What other species can be found near these vents?
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The Mycobacteria
Access this site for information about mycobacteria. Why can they be nicknamed the "ducks of the microbial world"? Of the more than 70 species of mycobacteria, what are the two major pathogens? Write an entry in your science journal that describes these diseases and how they are contracted.
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CELLS alive!
This site has various links about different types of microbes. Choose one of the bacteria or viruses and write an entry in your science journal that describes the microbe in detail.
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Dairy Farmers of America, inc.
This is the Web site of a dairy farmer-owned company. Their mission is to supply dairy products to domestic and international customers. Visit this site and write a review in your science journal.
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Dairy Farmers of Canada
This site is maintained by an organization representing more than 25,000 dairy farmers in Canada. Visit the News section and create a dairy farmer newsletter in your class.
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Managing a Family-Owned Dairy
Visit this site to learn the pros and cons of the family dairy business. What are the key characteristics of a family-owned dairy?
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The Dirt on Antibacterial Soaps
At the Health AtoZ site, you can find out why there's been recent debate about whether or not to use antibacterial soaps. What have researchers learned about how triclosan targets bacteria that have them concerned about resistance. Write about your findings in your science journal.
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Molecular Expressions Photo Gallery: Antibiotics
What do antibiotics look like? Visit this site and find out. Here is a photo gallery of various antibiotics taken under microscopes. Use these images to produce a computer presentation about each of these substances.
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Home, Bacteria-Ridden Home
This Scientific American article warns us how the use of antibacterial soaps could actually lead to antibiotic-resistent strains. Use the information in this article to develop a presentation for the rest of the class on this potential danger.
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Mad Cow Disease
Visit this site to learn about mad cow disease and how the U.S. government is trying to keep it out of the United States. What is the U.S. government doing to try to keep it out of the states?
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What causes mad cow disease?
Visit this site to learn about the pathogen that causes mad cow disease. What is a prion?
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Mad Cow Disease
This site maintained by the Center for Veterinary Medicine gives more information about mad cow disease. Click on one of the links to find more information.
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Hunting for Resistance Genes in Bacteria
Visit this site to more about resistance genes in bacteria. Why is it important to study harmless bacteria?
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Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria
Visit this site to learn more about antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Click on the link "Nasty Transformations" to learn how bacteria become resistant to antibiotics.
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Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics
Visit this site to read about the history of antibiotics and their evolution to today. How have antibiotics and immunizations affected the life span of people in developed countries?
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