Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Chapter 36: The Nervous System

Web Links

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p. 942
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The Brain and Nervous System
Find out how the human nervous system is organized. Follow the links to find out how the central nervous system is different than the peripheral nervous system. Follow the links to the brain and spinal cord. What is the difference between white matter and grey matter in the brain? About how many nerve cells are in the human body?
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Secret Life of the Brain
Visit this PBS site to learn more about the human brain. Follow the links to the web features to find out about the history of the brain. Visit the Mind Illusions page and try some of the illusions for yourself.
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The Human Nervous System
What is the difference between motor neurons and sensory neurons? Follow the links at this site to find out. Take the self-quiz to see how much you learned.
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The Whole Brain Atlas
At this site you can view images of the human brain with parts labeled. Included are images showing locations of damage to the brain from strokes, cancer, and disease. Take the quiz that tests your ability to name the brain structures.
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p. 958
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Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals
Select one of the articles at this site to find out what the career requirements are. Summarize what the career would involve and include the predicted possibilities in the field that you select. Find out how pharmacist's roles are changing.
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Life Enhancing Careers - Why Pharmaceuticals?
This site describes many different options for careers in the pharmaceutical field. Follow the profiles link and select a scientist to read about. Prepare a short report describing the scientist, necessary education to get the job, and rewards of the job.
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American Pharmaceutical Association
Here is the Web page for the American Pharmaceutical Association. Use the information on this site to write a job description for a pharmacist.
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The Effects of Drugs on the Nervous System
This site contains information of a variety of drugs. Select one of the drugs listed and find out how it affects the nervous system. Find out if the drug acts as a depressant or a stimulant, and whether it affects the central nervous system or the peripheral nervous system.
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Daphnia, the Water Flea
Visit this site and discover how easy it is to grow your own Daphnia community. What are some ways that Daphnia are used by scientists in a lab? Try raising some Daphnia of your own. Keep a journal to record the progress of your project.
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p. 966
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Scanning the Brain
Visit this PBS site to find out how doctors learn things about your brain. This site discusses five common types of brain scans, including PET scans. How does the PET technology differ from earlier EEG technology?
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Positron Emission Tomography Laboratory
This is Harvard's laboratory for PET scanning. What sort of diseases can be detected with PET scans?
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p. 968
<a onClick="'/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=gif::::/sites/dl/free/0078675642/181784/real_world_bio.gif','popWin', 'width=NaN,height=NaN,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (1.0K)</a> Visit the following sites to learn more about spinal cord injuries.

National Spinal Cord Injury Association

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Spinal Cord Injury Resource Center

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NINDS Spinal Cord Injury Information Page

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