Chemistry: Matter and Change

Chapter 7: The Elements

Web Links

Classification of Elements
Visit this site for information about characteristics of groups of elements.
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Patterns in the Periodic Table
Visit this chemical data site for an explanation of the blocks of the periodic table.
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Visit this site to find out more about this lanthanide series element. Read this Web page to discover some of the uses of neodymium.
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The Hindenburg
Visit this site to find out more about the Hindenburg. This site includes a collection of photos of the accommodations inside the Hindenburg. Click on the photo of the smoking room. Why do you think the construction of the door to the smoking room was so important?
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A biographical sketch of Alfred Nobel
Visit this site to learn more about the man that left a fortune to fund the Nobel prizes. Take a virtual tour of his home in Sweden, the Björkborn Manor, to find out even more about him.
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Diamond Mining
Visit this site to learn more about the man that left a fortune to fund the Nobel prizes. Take a virtual tour of his home in Sweden, the Björkborn Manor, to find out even more about him. Diamonds are made from carbon, a Period 14 element. Visit this site to learn more about diamond mining around the world. Click on North America to read more about mining in the United States.
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Minerals of Scotland
Visit this site and explore the minerals of Scotland. This site includes photos of minerals, as well as, maps showing where they are found. Click on the link about Scotland’s gold, the United States was not the only country to have a gold rush.
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More Minerals
Visit this site to see more photos of minerals. Select a category and then click on the blue links to view a larger photo and a description of the mineral.
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