Chemistry: Matter and Change

Chapter 3: Matter - Properties and Changes

Web Links

Elements and Compounds
This general chemistry site details the differences between elements and compounds in a flow chart. What is the name of the observation that the elemental composition of a pure compound is always the same?
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Chemical Bonding
Visit this site for an overview of chemical bonding. Try the sample problem using the law of definite proportions.
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Classification of Matter
This site explains the classification of matter in a different manner. Compare the definitions of the vocabulary words in the chapter to those given on the Web site. Discuss any differences in the definitions that you find with your classmates and teacher.
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Chemical and Physical Changes
Do you know the difference between a chemical and a physical change? Visit this site and see if you can correctly identify the types of changes in the examples.
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How is cement made?
Cement undergoes several chemical and physical changes during its manufacturing process. See how many chemical and physical changes you can find in this narrative about the production of cement.
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Our Changing Planet
This site gives a good explanation about the global temperature changes that are occurring. Scroll down and look at the drawing of ground level ozone production. Do you see a correlation between industrial nations and ground-level ozone production?
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Atmospheric Chemistry
Visit this site and find research that is being conducted to collect information on ozone depletion. Click on the diagram to see the chemical reactions that occur in the atmosphere to produce ozone.
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NASA Pacific Exploratory Mission
Visit this site to find out more about atmospheric chemistry research. Click on the scientific objectives link to find what this team considers their reaction vessel.
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