Bon voyage! Level 2

Chapter 9: L’hôtel


Activity Worksheet (205.0K)

Avant de surfer
You're planning a trip to Morocco in North Africa, le Maghreb. Look at the map on your worksheet and label the three countries that make up le Maghreb with their correct names in French.

Première partie: Regardez la carte du Maroc.
Visit the Map of Morocco and locate the following cities: Tanger, Fès, Agadir, Marrakech, and Casablanca. Choose two that you'd like to visit and mark their locations on the map of Morocco on your worksheet. Bon surf!

Seconde partie: Visitons les villes et choisissons un hôtel!
Now click on the links below to explore the two Moroccan cities you've chosen. Each Web site has information on all of the cities. The second Web site will also tell you about hotels in each city. Answer the questions and fill in the chart on your worksheet. Bon surf!

Villes du Maroc

Après avoir surfé
Do the activities on your worksheet.


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