Bon voyage! Level 2

Chapter 12: Les fĂȘtes


Activity Worksheet (167.0K)

Avant de surfer
Answer the questions on your worksheet before beginning the activity.

Click on one or more of the links below to find out more about a French holiday
you learned about in your textbook. Or click on a link for a holiday or festival you'd
like to learn about. On your worksheet, answer the questions about your favorite
site. Bon surf!

14 juillet (Click on Découvrir la france, then on Symboles de la Republique
   et 14 juillet
Le Carnaval à la Martinique
La Tabaski au Sénégal
Les fêtes traditionnelles québécoises
Le calendrier juif (Click on fêtes.)

Après avoir surfé
Do the activities on your worksheet.


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