Bon voyage! Level 2

Chapter 6: La gastronomie


La cuisine française

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  • Practice vocabulary related to food and cooking learned in Chapitre 6 and in Bon voyage!
    Level 1

  • Familiarize students with the French style of cooking

  • Discuss the French attitude toward food


  • Advise students that they will not know all of the words on these Web sites. They should look for cognates and words they already know.

  • Two meanings of moule come up in this activity. Explain to students the difference between une moule, from the Chapitre 6 vocabulary, and un moule à soufflé, à tarte, or à cake.

    You may also want to give students the following vocabulary words.

    un puitsa well
    du terroirof the native soil
    les aspergesasparagus
    un souvenirmemory
    le garde mangerbread basket


  • Have students divide into small groups and choose one of the recipes listed. Then, as if they were on a TV cooking show, have them explain in French and demonstrate how to make the recipe. Ask each group to present their show to the class. This activity requires group preparation outside of class.


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