Earth Science: The Changing Surface of Earth, Book G

Section 2: Relative Ages of Rocks

Section 2 Self-Check Quiz-Eng

What is the principle of superposition?
A)that younger things are on the bottom, and older ones are closer to the top
B)that older and some younger things are on the bottom, and most younger ones closer to the top
C)that younger and some older things are on the bottom, and most older ones closer to the top
D)that older things are on the bottom, and younger ones are closer to the top
The relative age of something is __________.
A)its age in relation to Earth
B)its age since it was discovered
C)its age in comparison to other things
D)its age since it died
How do unconformities form?
A)when erosion removes portions of rock by washing or scraping them away
B)when animals remove portions of rock by scraping them away
C)when rocks are displaced by growing roots
D)when animals add portions of rock by depositing them in the empty spaces
When horizontal layers of sediment are tilted or uplifted, scientists call this __________.
C)normal unconformity
D)angular unconformity
When younger sediments are deposited on top of an older area of erosion, scientists call this __________.
A)angular unconformity
D)normal unconformity
When sedimentary rock is deposited on top of igneous or metamorphic rock, scientists call this __________.
B)angular unconformity
C)normal unconformity
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