Weather refers to the state of the atmosphere__________.A) over a long period of time B) at a specific time and place C) at a specific temperature D) over a short period of time 2.
In what ways does the Sun influence weather?A) The Sun evaporates water in the atmosphere to create clouds. B) The Sun heats air in the atmosphere. C) all of the above D) The Sun heats water on Earth. 3.
What element of air determines its temperature?A) the direction of air molecules B) the composition of air molecules C) the arrangement of air molecules D) the average motion of air molecules 4.
What causes wind?A) weather patterns B) low pressure C) Air moves from regions of high pressure to regions of low pressure. D) high pressure 5.
An anemometer measures_____.A) wind speed B) atmospheric pressure C) temperature D) humidity 6.
Does warm air or cool air hold more humidity?A) cool air because air molecules in cool air move fast B) warm air because air molecules in warm air move slowly C) cool air because air molecules in cool air move slowly D) warm air because air molecules in warm air move fast 7.
____ is the measure of amounts of moisture in the air compared to the amount needed for saturation at a certain temperature.A) Saturation B) Relative humidity C) Humidity D) Air pressure 8.
When the temperature reaches its ____ , snow, rain,or hail is likely to form.A) relative humidity B) dew point C) saturation point D) evaporation point 9.
What does water vapor condense around to form clouds?A) air molecules B) space C) snow D) small particles like dust and salt 10.
Stratus clouds form __________.A) layers of even sheets in the sky B) puffy white clouds C) fibrous, or curly, clouds D) fog 11.
Cumulous clouds are associated with __________.A) fog B) approaching storms C) fair weather and rainstorms D) sunny weather 12.
The prefix cirro added to the suffix cumulus, cirrocumulus, refers to __________.A) low, puffy, white clouds B) middle-level, flat, even clouds C) high, curly clouds D) high, puffy, white clouds 13.
What type of clouds form thunderstorms?A) cumulonimbus B) nimbus C) nimbostratus D) cirrostratus 14.
Of the four main types of precipitation, which refreezes after melting near the ground?A) sleet B) hail C) snow D) rain