1 The __________ of the Moon were formed from lava flows.A) craters B) maria C) oceans D) surface features 2 Where might the Moon have come from?A) material ejected from the sun B) the asteroid belt C) material ejected from Earth's mantle and crust D) from the orbit of another planet 3 Why does the same side of the Moon always face the Sun?A) Its revolution equals its orbit. B) Its orbit equals the Earth's rotation. C) Its orbit equals its rotation. D) Its orbit is the same as Earth's orbit. 4 What causes moonlight?A) reflected light from the Sun B) fusion in the Moon C) reflected light from Earth D) nuclear reactions on the Moon's surface 5 When the Moon phases go from the full moon to the new moon, this is called __________.A) waning B) crescent C) waxing D) eclipsing 6 Which phase of the Moon causes a crescent?A) waxing B) eclipsing C) waning D) solar 7 What is the order during a solar eclipse?A) Sun, Moon, Earth B) Moon, Earth, Sun C) Earth, Sun, Moon D) Moon, Sun, Earth 8 Which is the order during a lunar eclipse?A) Earth, Moon, Sun B) Sun, Moon, Earth C) Sun, Earth, Moon D) Earth, Sun, Moon 9 How have scientists been able to hypothesize how the Moon formed?A) by looking through a telescope B) by examining Earth C) by examining Moon rocks D) by watching other moons form