The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 8: Varieties of American Nationalism

Study Questions

How did America's wartime experience underline the need for another national bank?
How was transportation improved during this period? What serious gaps remained in the nation's transportation system?
What were the reasons for the so-called Great Migration?
Who were the "mountain men"? Why were they important in the settlement of the West?
What were the critical points decided by the Adams-Onis negotiations?
What was the Missouri Compromise? Why did nationalists regard it as a "happy resolution of a danger to the Union"? Why were others less optimistic?
What was the net effect of the opinions delivered by the Marshall Court? How did these opinions reflect John Marshall's philosophy of government?
What was the outcome of the election of 1824? How was that result arrived at, and what part did Henry Clay play in it?
How had Andrew Jackson's supporters prepared for the election of 1828? What were the issues in the campaign, and what was the outcome?
Who were the National Republicans? Who were their leaders? What programs did they support, and from what areas did they draw their strength?
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