The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 7: The Jeffersonian Era

Study Questions

What effect did Republican ideology have on education in the United States?
What were the "message" and the impact of the Second Great Awakening?
Explain the role that Eli Whitney played in America's industrial revolution. What impact did his inventions have on the South and what impact was felt in the North?
How did Jefferson's presidency represent a "fundamental change" in the direction of the federal government?
What were the roots of Jefferson's conflict with the federal court system, and how did the case of Marbury v. Madison fit into the controversy?
What was the purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition, and what did the expedition accomplish?
How did the embargo affect the election of 1808, and what was the response of the new president to diplomatic problems that the embargo had addressed?
What was Tecumseh's attitude toward the treaties previously negotiated between the United States and various Indian tribes? How did he plan to prevent the expansion of white settlements?
Who were the "War Hawks," and why were they able to exert such influence on America's drift toward war?
What were the plan and purpose of the British invasion of the United States in 1814? What was the result?
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