The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 6: The Constitution and the New Republic

Study Questions

What were the characteristics of the men who met at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia? Whose presence was essential to the meeting's success? Why?
How were the differences between the "large state" and the "small state" plans resolved? What other issues divided the convention, and how were they resolved?
What was to be the role of various branches of government under the new Constitution?
What method did the Federalists employ to get their views across to the people? What were their arguments, and how did the "Antifederalists" respond?
What was the political philosophy of Jefferson and Madison? How did it differ from that of Hamilton?
How did Washington's reaction to the Whiskey Rebellion underscore the difference between the Constitution and the Articles of Confederation?
How did Jay's Treaty affect American relations with Spain?
What circumstances led to an administration with a Federalist president and a Republican vice president?
What gave rise to the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, and what attitude toward the nature of the federal government did these resolutions reveal?
What were the issues in the election of 1800, and what were the reactions of the losers and the victors?
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