The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 4: The Empire in Transition

Study Questions

How were the American colonies administered by Britain, from Britain, during this period? What was the effect of this policy?
What was the Albany Plan, and what did it reveal about colonial unity?
What caused the Great War for the Empire, and why is it called by that name?
What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1763?
What was it about post-1763 British policy that would cause colonists in every section to see the disadvantages rather than the advantages of being part of the British Empire?
Why did the Stamp Act so antagonize the American colonists?
What was England's response to the American protests over the Stamp Act? How did the taxation by Townshend attempt to anticipate American attacks on future acts?
What were the theories of government advanced by John Locke, and how did the American colonist apply them to their struggle with England?
What were the Coercive Acts? How did the Quebec Act help to unite the colonists with Boston, in opposition to these acts?
What were the five major decisions made at the First Continental Congress and what was their significance?
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