The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 31: From "The Age of Limits" to the Age of Reagan

Study Questions

What economic challenges did Ford face? How did he respond?
How did Carter manage to facilitate the Camp David accords, which led to peace between Egypt and Israel?
What led to the Iranian hostage crisis? What political effects did it have on the Carter administration? How was the crisis resolved?
What were the elements of the New Right movement? How did it come to have such influence in the Republican Party? Why did the New Right disapprove of President Ford?
Explain the assumptions made by "supply-side" economists ("Reaganomics"). What Reagan administration implemented supply-side policies?
Why did the federal budget experience massive deficits? How effective was the Reagan administration in countering the deficit?
What stance toward the Soviets and communism in general constituted the so-called Reagan Doctrine? How did the doctrine play out in Grenada and elsewhere in Latin America?
Describe the Iran-Contra scandal. What was its political impact?
What budgetary and economic problems dominated domestic concerns during the Bush presidency? How did the budget package in 1990 violate Bush's campaign pledge?
What precipitated the Gulf War? What were the long-term outcomes after the relatively easy victory?
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