The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 29: Civil Rights, Vietnam, and the Ordeal of Liberalism

Study Questions

Describe John F. Kennedy's background and his plans for domestic legislation. How did Congress react to his New Frontier?
What did the Great Society accomplish?
What events prompted passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 (Voting Rights Act)?
Describe the race riots of 1964 to 1967. What response did the Commission on Civil Disorder suggest? What response did many white Americans prefer?
What did "black power" mean? What impact did it have on the civil rights movement and on the attitudes of American blacks in general?
How did John F. Kennedy's approach to foreign policy contrast with Eisenhower's? What specific programs illustrated that difference?
Recount the stages of Johnson's escalation of the Vietnam War up to 1967. Why did the conflict become a "quagmire"?
Describe the war protest movement. How did it move from the streets into Congress and the administration?
How did involvement in Vietnam affect the American economy and the Great Society?
Why was 1968 such a tumultuous year around much of the world as well as in the United States?
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