The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 28: The Affluent Society

Study Questions

What factors caused the low unemployment rate and the great growth in GNP from 1945 to 1960? How widespread was the prosperity?
How did the labor union movement change in the 1950s? What problems surfaced?
What impact did the Soviet launching of Sputnik have on U.S. education and the space effort?
What was the appeal of Levittown and similar suburban developments? How did typical suburbs transform family life and shape women's attitudes? What role did race play in suburbanization?
How did black music influence the development of rock music? To what extent was the audience multiracial?
What was the extent of hard core poverty in the otherwise prosperous nation? What groups predominated in this "hard core"?
What were the key factors that converged in the postwar period to ignite the civil rights movement?
Contrast Eisenhower's attitude toward new social legislation with his approach to existing programs. What act of his presidency led to the largest public works project in American history?
Why was the United States so committed to stability in the Middle East? How was this approach implemented in Iran?
What led to Fidel Castro's rise in Cuba? How did the United States deal with his new regime?
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