The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 26: America in a World at War

Study Questions

What were the two broad offensives that the U.S. planned to turn the tide against the Japanese?
What efforts did the national government make to regulate production, labor, and prices during the war? How effective were these actions?
What were the patterns of wartime migration and employment of African Americans? What tensions resulted?
Describe the contributions American Indians made to the war effort. What impact did the war have on federal Indian policy?
How were Japanese Americans treated during the war? What was done to atone for the treatment?
How were the women who filled war jobs treated? What obstacles did they face?
Describe the candidates and issues of the election of 1944. Why did Roosevelt win reelection?
Describe the Normandy invasion and the liberation of France. What role did air power play in preparing for the assault?
Describe the steady progression of American forces through the islands of the Pacific culminating at Okinawa. What did this experience seem to presage about the planned invasion of Japan?
Why did the United States decide to use the atomic bomb against Japan? Was it a wise decision? What have historians found?
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