The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 24: The New Deal

Study Questions

Why was banking the new president's number one order of business? What was done immediately and later in the New Deal?
What measures were taken to restore confidence in the stock market?
Describe the goals and concepts of the National Recovery Administration (NRA). Why was it less than fully successful? How did it end?
What assumptions and values underlie the early relief programs of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) and the Civil Works Administration (CWA)? What different dimension did the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) add?
Briefly characterize the ideas of Huey Long, Francis Townsend, and Charles E. Coughlin. Who was probably most important among them? How did Roosevelt respond?
Why did organized labor become more militant in the 1930s? How did the Wagner Act help? In what industries did unions make especially significant gains?
What distinct programs were provided for in the Social Security Act of 1935? What aspects of "insurance" rather than "welfare" were reflected in the law?
Describe the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and its accomplishments. How did it go beyond traditional public-works programs?
What was Roosevelt's objective in the "Court-packing" plan? What were the political repercussions of the episode?
Describe how the New Deal represented a "breakthrough" in the role of women in public life. What cultural norms limited the opportunities for women?
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