The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 22: The New Era

Study Questions

Describe the economic boom of the 1920s and its causes. What impact did the spectacular growth of the automobile industry have on related business activities?
What were the elements of "welfare capitalism"? How much did the average worker truly benefit from welfare capitalism and the general prosperity of the decade?
Describe the technological and scientific advances in agriculture in the New Era. What effect did these changes have on production and prices?
Describe the new urban consumer society of the 1920s. How did advertising help shape it?
How did the image of the "new professional woman" compare with reality for most working women?
What social forces combined to disenchant many intellectuals? What did these people attack? Who were the main attackers?
What more basic conflict in society did the controversy over the "noble experiment" of prohibition come to symbolize? What were the results of prohibition?
Explain the changes in immigration laws brought about by the National Origins Act and subsequent legislation. What ethnic groups were favored?
Compare and contrast the views of the religious modernists and fundamentalists. How did Darwinism and the Scopes trial symbolize the conflict between the two? How has the conflict persisted?
Contrast the personal lives of Harding and Calvin Coolidge. Did their politics and policies differ as much as their personalities?
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