The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 2: Transplantations and Borderlands

Study Questions

What conditions shaped the character of English settlements in America?
How did the motives of the Virginia colonists differ from those of the separatists who settled in Plymouth?
What were the origins of the colony of Maryland? How did Maryland's early development differ from that of Virginia?
How was Bacon's Rebellion related to the political unrest in Virginia, and what effect did the rebellion have on the development of that colony?
How did the charter of the Massachusetts Bay Company influence the colony's first government?
How did the colony of Connecticut originate? Rhode Island? What does this expansion ("exodus") reveal about the colony of Massachusetts Bay?
How did the political, economic, social, and religious institutions established in Carolina reflect the proprietors' motives for starting the colony?
Why was it difficult to establish a stable society and culture in the Caribbean colonies?
What role did the Spanish borderlands play in Spanish relations with England?
What were the origins of the Dominion of New England, and what was the colonial reaction to it?
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