The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 19: From Crisis to Empire

Study Questions

What was the patronage system, and how did it dominate national politics in the 1870s and 1880s? What was the role of Civil War pensions in this system?
Explain the evolution of purpose and the accomplishments of the Grange. Why did it eventually fail?
What did the Populists stand for and what were their leaders like?
Explain the debate over the gold standard. How did it divide the Democratic Party?
Describe the passions of the 1896 campaign. Where did Bryan do well? Why did he lose?
What intellectual, economic, philosophical, and racial factors helped create a new national mood more receptive to overseas expansion?
How did Hawaii gradually get drawn into America's economic and political sphere?
What two incidents combined finally to pull the United States into war with Spain?
What arguments were raised for and against imperialism in general and the annexation of the Philippines in particular? Why did President McKinley favor annexation? What role did William Jennings Bryan play?
How was the Open Door policy calculated to provide maximum commercial and diplomatic advantage at minimum cost?
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