The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 18: The Age of the City

Study Questions

How did the immigrants, rising in number after the 1880s, differ in ethnic background and economic status from most of the earlier immigrants?
What social institutions and community actions helped facilitate immigrant assimilation, especially that of European immigrants, to life in America?
What organizations and laws resulted from the resentment that many native-born Americans felt toward the new immigrants? Why didn't Congress pass more such laws?
In what ways was the huge migration into the United States part of a worldwide phenomenon? What were the "push" and "pull" factors that brought immigrants to the U.S.?
What were the main environmental problems of the cities? What improvements were made in the early twentieth century?
What factors contributed to the rise of political machines and their bosses? What were the positive as well as the negative aspects of boss rule in large cities?
Describe the changes in income and purchasing power of the urban middle and working classes. Who made the greater gains? Who lagged behind?
How did turn-of-the-century Americans come to reconceptualize their idea of "leisure"? How was this manifested differently among different groups?
How did the rising respect for scientific inquiry combine with Darwinism to affect a wide range of intellectual inquiry?
Describe the evolution of free public schooling in the United States. What parts of the nation lagged in education?
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