The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 15: Reconstruction and the New South

Study Questions

What special problems did the freedmen face immediately after the war? What efforts were made to help them?
What were the objectives and provisions of Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction? How did the Radical Republicans respond to it?
Describe Andrew Johnson's approach to Reconstruction. How did his political background and his personality shape it?
Describe the Black Codes and the congressional reaction to them. How did President Johnson respond to Congress?
Explain the basic provisions of the congressional plan of Reconstruction of 1867 and tell how it was implemented. What were the implications of waiting so long after the war to get a comprehensive plan in place?
Why was the presidential election of 1876 disputed? How was the controversy resolved by the "Compromise of 1877"?
Compare white and black expectations for Reconstruction with the actual results. Why were most black hopes dashed? What black gains were actually made?
What was Booker T. Washington's prescription for black advancement as expressed in the "Atlanta Compromise" and elsewhere?
How did the civil right cases of 1883 and Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) substantially negate the effect of the equal-protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment?
What strategies and legal devices did the Southern states use to evade the spirit of the Fifteenth Amendment? What motivated the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century crackdown on black voting?
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