The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 14: The Civil War

Study Questions

Which states were the first to secede, and what was the reaction of the United States government to this?
What compromises were proposed to bring these states back into the Union, and why did they fail?
What advantages did the Union have in the Civil War? What were the advantages of the Confederacy?
What factors, other than political pressure, brought about the Emancipation Proclamation? What did the Proclamation really accomplish? When did full emancipation really come?
What contributions did African Americans make to the Northern war effort? How did their treatment reflect the general racial attitudes of white America?
What part did women play in the Union's war effort?
Explain the origins of the Confederate government. How did its constitution differ from that of the United States? Who were chosen as its leaders, and what problems did they face?
What was the Union plan for the conquest of the West? How did the Confederates propose to defend this area? How did the campaign advance, what battles took place, and which of the two armies more nearly achieved its objectives?
Why was 1863 the "year of decision"? What took place in 1863 to swing the advantage to the side of the Union? Where did these battles occur? Who were the generals involved? What did the battles accomplish? Why were they so important?
How was the Confederacy finally defeated? In what way did the Union forces destroy the South's will to carry on the fight?
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