The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 13: The Impending Crisis

Study Questions

What was Manifest Destiny? What forces created this concept?
How did Texas become available for annexation? What prevented its immediate annexation?
On what grounds did Polk ask Congress to declare war on Mexico?
What was the Wilmot Proviso? What brought about its introduction, and what arguments were advanced in its favor?
How did the sections of the country react to the Compromise of 1850?
How did the issue of a transcontinental railroad help to reopen the sectional controversy? Explain.
Who were the Republicans? What caused their formation? Which groups composed this party, and what was the party's platform?
What problems were faced in the attempt to organize a legitimate government in Kansas? Why did these problems arise? How was it that Kansas became a battleground for the sectional controversy?
What were the origins of the Dred Scott case? What issues were involved, and what decision did the Court hand down? How did the reaction to this case add to sectional tensions?
What were the goals of John Brown's raid, and why did it have such an impact on the South?
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