The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 11: Cotton, Slavery, and the Old South

Study Questions

What was "the most important economic development in the South of the mid-nineteenth century"? What caused this, and what was its economic impact?
What groups made up the planter aristocracy? Why did their influence far exceed their numbers?
Why did so few nonslaveholding whites oppose the slaveholding oligarchy? Where did these opponents live?
What were slave codes? What function did they serve? How were they applied, and what resulted from their violation?
To a slave, what was life under slavery?
What was life like for free blacks? How was freedom gained, and what were their opportunities once free?
How did slaves respond to slavery? What evidence exists to show that slaves did not accept their condition without protest and that, in some cases, they were strongly defiant?
What role did religion play in the life of slaves? How did slaves influence religion in America?
How were language and music important in the life of slaves?
What role did the family play in the life of slaves?
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