The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 10: America's Economic Revolution

Study Questions

What were the reasons for and the effect of the rapid increase in population between 1820 and 1840?
What major immigrant groups came to the United States during this period? What impact did they have on the character and distribution of the population in the North?
What gave rise to the nativist movement? What were its political goals?
Which area took the lead in canal development? What was the effect of these canals on that section of the country? How did other sections respond to this example?
What were the general characteristics of early railroad development in the United States? What innovations aided the progress of railroads, and what advantages did railroads have over other forms of transportation?
How did technology and industrial ingenuity prepare the way for the expansion of industry and the growth of the American economy?
What attempts were made to better conditions in northeastern factories? What role did unions play in these attempts and what was accomplished?
What was life like for middle-class Americans during the antebellum era?
What was the "cult of domesticity," and what costs and benefits did it bring to middle-class women? To working-class women?
What factors and inventions contributed to the growth and expansion of the Northwest's economy? Who were the men responsible for this?
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