Language and Composition: The Art of Voice (Muller and Whiting)

Chapter 7: History, Culture, and Civilization: Are We Citizens of the World?

Context Links

ISHMAEL REED, America: The Multinational Society

Context Links

Here are five reviews of books by Reed and a link to hear an interview he did for Minnesota Public Radio. Read one of the reviews to determine whether you would like to read the source material.

Here is Reed’s response to the movie “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire.” How does this support the same thesis of the essay?

Reed founded a magazine called Konch. Here is its homepage, where you will find links to photos, poetry, essays, and poems by various artists.

JUDITH ORTIZ COFER, The Myth Of The Latin Woman: I Just Met A Girl Named Maria

Context Links

Explore the Latina magazine Web site. How does it reinforce the stereotypes Cofer writes about in the essay?

THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, Globalization: The Super-Story

Context Links

Emory University has a site that gives an overview of globalization and its related issues.

The International Monetary Fund issued a report on globalization, which can be found here. How does the IMF benefit—if at all—from globalization?

AMARTYA SEN, A World Not Neatly Divided

Context Links

The New York Times reviewed Sen’s book Identity and Violence. What is the thesis of the book and how does it relate to the essay “A World Not Neatly Divided”? 14yoshino.html?ref=amartyasen

EDWARD T. HALL, The Arab World

Context Links

Here are some further results of proxemics research. How do digital avatars behave? Are these results surprising to you? rssnyt&emc=rss

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