Language and Composition: The Art of Voice (Muller and Whiting)

Chapter 6: Family Life and Gender Roles: How Do We Become Who We Are?

Context Links

E. B. WHITE, Once More to the Lake

Context Links

Do a Google Images search for “once more to the lake.” How do various people around the world use this caption or description with their own photographs, blog entries, or professional articles?


Context Links

This is the Wikipedia page for divorce in the United States. What can you learn from this page? Is the divorce rate higher or lower than you anticipated?

Here is a New York Times column by David Brooks about the nontraditional family. Why does he disagree with Kingsolver?

ANNIE DILLARD, An American Childhood

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This review of An American Childhood appeared in The Washington Post. Why is this book so popular? Does the review make you want to read the rest of it?

Dillard wrote a book about writing called The Writing Life. The author of this review generally likes Dillard's work, but not this book. Read the review and decide whether you would like to pursue The Writing Life further.

DAVID BROOKS, Love, Internet Style

Context Links

The author of this piece looks at online dating from a different perspective. What has Brooks left out that this author includes?

JULIA ALVAREZ, Once Upon a Quinceañera

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Explore What else can you learn about this tradition?

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