Language and Composition: The Art of Voice (Muller and Whiting)

Chapter 2: The Writing Process

Networking Features

Blogging vs. Journaling
Do you currently have a blog, or have you ever kept one in the past? If so, write a paragraph comparing and contrasting blogging and keeping a private journal. Or, if you have not kept a blog before, write a paragraph about why you would or would not like to start one.

On Keeping a Public Blog
On an existing or new blog, post daily entries for one week about your experiences in classes, at work, or as part of any clubs, musical groups, sports teams, or other organizations. Even if the blog is password protected, do not post anything on it that you would be embarrassed to see on the front page of a national newspaper. Exchange URLs with at least two other classmates and read and comment on their blogs during this week, too. Share your insights with class members about the benefits and drawbacks of blogging (versus keeping a handwritten, private journal).

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